January 11, 2011
Gorąco polecam !!! Od lat cierpiałam na bóle kręgosłupa. Byłam u wielu rehabilitantów, którzy tylko masowali moje plecy co na niewiele się zdawało. Dopiero pan Janek zwrócił uwagę na moje płaskostopie i brak odpowiedniej ruchomości w stawach biodrowych. Teraz noszę wkładki, robię jedno… READ MORE
Gorąco polecam !!! Od lat cierpiałam na bóle kręgosłupa. Byłam u wielu rehabilitantów, którzy tylko masowali moje plecy co na niewiele się zdawało. Dopiero pan Janek zwrócił uwagę na moje płaskostopie i brak odpowiedniej ruchomości w stawach biodrowych. Teraz noszę wkładki, robię jedno… READ MORE
December 22, 2010
Młody, dobrze wyedukowany, sympatyczny specjalista. “Uruchomił” moich 80 – letnich sąsiadów. Sąsiadka może wreszcie odchylać głowę do mycia u fryzjera, jak inni, umie zablokować ból w nodze z endoprotezą (brzmi jak cud, ale to realia!), a jej koleżanka, również starsza, wyprostowała się na tyle, że sprawnie chodzi…. READ MORE
Młody, dobrze wyedukowany, sympatyczny specjalista. “Uruchomił” moich 80 – letnich sąsiadów. Sąsiadka może wreszcie odchylać głowę do mycia u fryzjera, jak inni, umie zablokować ból w nodze z endoprotezą (brzmi jak cud, ale to realia!), a jej koleżanka, również starsza, wyprostowała się na tyle, że sprawnie chodzi…. READ MORE
Jest jednym, z nielicznych w Polsce specjalistą osteopatą READ MORE
December 22, 2010
Młody, dobrze wyedukowany, sympatyczny specjalista. “Uruchomił” moich 80 – letnich sąsiadów. Sąsiadka może wreszcie odchylać głowę do mycia u fryzjera, jak inni, umie zablokować ból w nodze z endoprotezą (brzmi jak cud, ale to realia!), a jej koleżanka, również starsza, wyprostowała się na tyle, że sprawnie chodzi…. READ MORE
Młody, dobrze wyedukowany, sympatyczny specjalista. “Uruchomił” moich 80 – letnich sąsiadów. Sąsiadka może wreszcie odchylać głowę do mycia u fryzjera, jak inni, umie zablokować ból w nodze z endoprotezą (brzmi jak cud, ale to realia!), a jej koleżanka, również starsza, wyprostowała się na tyle, że sprawnie chodzi…. READ MORE
Paweł Komorowski
December 20, 2019
I visited Mr. Jan Jaskowski because of my serious problems with dizziness and vertigo. Vertigo used to occur suddenly and was so strong that I couldn’t stand up from a lying position. After the first appointment my problems disappeared. It’s a year since my visit at Mr. Jaskowski’s practice and... READ MORE
I visited Mr. Jan Jaskowski because of my serious problems with dizziness and vertigo. Vertigo used to occur suddenly and was so strong that I couldn’t stand up from a lying position. After the first appointment my problems disappeared. It’s a year since my visit at Mr. Jaskowski’s practice and... READ MORE
July 2, 2017
I was at Mr. Jan’s practice with my 3-month-old daughter. She was stiff, her muscles weren’t flexible. After the first massage I could see a lot of improvement, and after the next one my child much better. She sleeps well, doesn’t tauten, doesn’t cry during feeding. Mr. Jan helped us... READ MORE
I was at Mr. Jan’s practice with my 3-month-old daughter. She was stiff, her muscles weren’t flexible. After the first massage I could see a lot of improvement, and after the next one my child much better. She sleeps well, doesn’t tauten, doesn’t cry during feeding. Mr. Jan helped us... READ MORE
December 22, 2010
Young, well-educated, pleasant specialist. He put my 80-year-old neighbors on feet. My neighbor can finally lean her head for washing hair at a hairdresser. He relieved her from having the pain in the leg after hip replacement surgery she had many years before – sounds like a miracle but it’s... READ MORE
Young, well-educated, pleasant specialist. He put my 80-year-old neighbors on feet. My neighbor can finally lean her head for washing hair at a hairdresser. He relieved her from having the pain in the leg after hip replacement surgery she had many years before – sounds like a miracle but it’s... READ MORE
September 14, 2014
My situation was really difficult because of disc hernia in the neck. I couldn’t seat, raise my hands and turn my neck. It lasted for 3 months. Neurosurgeon referred me for an operation. My friend who was treated by Mr. Jaskowski suggested that I should consult him before an operation.... READ MORE
My situation was really difficult because of disc hernia in the neck. I couldn’t seat, raise my hands and turn my neck. It lasted for 3 months. Neurosurgeon referred me for an operation. My friend who was treated by Mr. Jaskowski suggested that I should consult him before an operation.... READ MORE
Ania i Ala
February 20, 2012
I can wholeheartedly recommend Mr Jan Jaskowski. My 15-year-old daughter couldn’t bend her leg and couldn’t walk. She suffered from the pain in her knee. After long journey from one specialist to another, we tried physiotherapy, cryotherapy and others. X-ray and ultrasound scan showed a lot of changes in the... READ MORE
I can wholeheartedly recommend Mr Jan Jaskowski. My 15-year-old daughter couldn’t bend her leg and couldn’t walk. She suffered from the pain in her knee. After long journey from one specialist to another, we tried physiotherapy, cryotherapy and others. X-ray and ultrasound scan showed a lot of changes in the... READ MORE
Hanna Lutostańska
March 22, 2018
I was in the middle of my second pregnancy when I got to Ostmedic with severe lower back pain. That pain caused early cramps. I felt much better after the first visit. I survived the rest of my pregnancy without pain in my back thanks to regular appointments. I call... READ MORE
I was in the middle of my second pregnancy when I got to Ostmedic with severe lower back pain. That pain caused early cramps. I felt much better after the first visit. I survived the rest of my pregnancy without pain in my back thanks to regular appointments. I call... READ MORE